2018 Parlour show
2018 Show Poster Show Catalogue 2018 v5 for a copy of the 2018 show catalog cover contact Anton (it’s too big to attach here) Cathy presenting to Paul Mckittrick, Trophy for Best Single Flower of the 2018 Show.
We grow our dahlias from tubers because that way we know what we are getting (each tuber cut from a clump will produce the same flower). However there is another way to grow dahlias and that’s from seed. With this method you are never quite sure what you are going to get because the seed…
Here is the pdf version of the 2017 Annual Show Catalogue Show Catalogue 2017
Here is the 2016 Victoria Dahlia Society Show – Winners List
The 2011 Victoria Dahlia Society Show catalogue is now available to view online. Click on the link below to see the catalogue and begin planning your entries for the August 13/14 show. 2011 Dahlia Show Catalogue You can also click on the Victoria Dahlia Society Show link at the top of the page for more…