2018 Annual Show

for a copy of the 2018 show catalog cover contact Anton (it’s too big to attach here)
Cathy presenting to Paul Mckittrick, Trophy for Best Single Flower of the 2018 Show.

for a copy of the 2018 show catalog cover contact Anton (it’s too big to attach here)
Cathy presenting to Paul Mckittrick, Trophy for Best Single Flower of the 2018 Show.
Dahlias make excellent potted plants. Cathy Featherby has kindly provided some instructions on how to get the best out of your potted dahlias: POT SIZE Use a good size pot – 5 to 7 gal. for larger plants and any size pot for the smaller dahlias like Mignon Singles which are very small plants. These…
Many thanks to Judith for her excellent presentation on pest control at our last general meeting! For those who weren’t able to attend or would like a recap, here is the information: Pest Control Strategies The “big” growers in our club have offered some ideas as to how they manage the pest problem with dahlias….
Here is the pdf version of the 2017 Annual Show Catalogue Show Catalogue 2017
Congratulations to all the winners from the 2011 Victoria Dahlia Society Show. (Photo from Dan’s Dahlias) Category Cultivar Exhibitor Flower of the Show Parkland Rave Bob Sampson Best Triple in Show Pam Howden Connie Young-Davis Best AA Single Zorro Connie Young-Davis Best AA Triple Zorro Connie Young-Davis Best A Single Kenora Jubilee Connie Young-Davis Best…
For the 2013 season the Victoria Dahlia Society will be taking a break from the Learning Garden. But not to worry, there will be plenty of learning opportunities from coming to meetings, attending group events and, of course, from growing your own dahlias!
This year the Learning Garden will be planted by dahlia size from AA through MS. In the coming weeks this site will feature the plants that will be grown in each category. AA – Giants over 10in in diameter A – Large, from 8in to 10in B – Medium, from 6in to 8in BB –…