2018 Annual Show

for a copy of the 2018 show catalog cover contact Anton (it’s too big to attach here)
Cathy presenting to Paul Mckittrick, Trophy for Best Single Flower of the 2018 Show.

for a copy of the 2018 show catalog cover contact Anton (it’s too big to attach here)
Cathy presenting to Paul Mckittrick, Trophy for Best Single Flower of the 2018 Show.
This year, for fun, we are encouraging our members to grow dahlias from seed to see what flowers they might get. In September, we will have an informal flower show where members can show off their favourite blooms (judging will be by popular choice, ie what people like just by looking, and not by ADS…
Thanks to Wendy and Pat we have the following description of how to create tuber labels for the sale using the Avery software. Download and install the Avery software from one of these links. (If you don’t already have it) Avery for PC Avery for Mac The following description is for a PC Save the…
One of the many great things about our society is the opportunity to learn pretty much whatever you care to about dahlias; from how they are grown to how to show them and judge them! Many thanks to Connie Young-Davis for hosting this event and providing a delicious dinner afterwards!!!
This is just a reminder that the Victoria Dahlia Society Show is free for anyone to enter. You do not have to be a Society member, you just need to have some dahlias in your garden. You also don’t have to have any experience showing dahlias as there are many Society members who would be…
CC Image courtesy of Eric in SF on Flickr Interested in learning how to grown dahlias? Check out the Amercian Dahlia Society (ADS) website for tips on growing dahlias. Also, come out to one of our meetings where you learn hands on how to grown dahlias and you can ask experienced growers for advice. Click…