Summer Care for Dahlias
GardenWise Magazine has published an informative article on Summer Care of Dahlias. Let’s just home that summer finally arrives!
GardenWise Magazine has published an informative article on Summer Care of Dahlias. Let’s just home that summer finally arrives!
Here are some instructions for taking your tubers from storage (or purchase) to growing in your garden. In March, check on your stored tubers. Remove any that are rotted or have mildew. Separate the remaining tubers into those with eyes and those without eyes. Place the tubers that do not have eyes in trays with…
5 – Cherry Blossoms 4 – Daffodils blooming 3 – First Swallows of the year (Photo by: Jen Goellnitz) 2 – Victoria Dahlia Society members start returning from places like Hawaii and Arizona (sorry, no photo) 1 – Dahlia tubers eying up for the VDS Plant and Tuber Sale (April 30 at Westshore Town…
Link to Times-Colonist article
This is just a reminder that the Victoria Dahlia Society Show is free for anyone to enter. You do not have to be a Society member, you just need to have some dahlias in your garden. You also don’t have to have any experience showing dahlias as there are many Society members who would be…
Teresa Thom awarding Anton deBree the trophy for best seedling 2018.
The Flowers of the Year for 2013 have been announced. This year the flowers of the year were selected by the Nanaimo Galdiolus & Dahlia Society (we alternate years selecting the flowers of the year). The single will be Gwyneth which is an orange waterlily (WL OR). Photo from The triple will be Lakeview…