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Five Signs of Spring in Victoria
5 – Cherry Blossoms 4 – Daffodils blooming 3 – First Swallows of the year (Photo by: Jen Goellnitz) 2 – Victoria Dahlia Society members start returning from places like Hawaii and Arizona (sorry, no photo) 1 – Dahlia tubers eying up for the VDS Plant and Tuber Sale (April 30 at Westshore Town…
Learning Garden – Planting Design
This year the Learning Garden will be planted by dahlia size from AA through MS. In the coming weeks this site will feature the plants that will be grown in each category. AA – Giants over 10in in diameter A – Large, from 8in to 10in B – Medium, from 6in to 8in BB –…
Victoria Dahlia Society Show Catalogue is here!!!
It’s mid-June and my dahlias are growing well, soon it will be time to start disbranching and disbudding! It won’t be long before the blooms are ready and it will be time to bring them into the VDS Annual Show, taking place on August 16th and 17th at Westshore Town Centre. If you want to…
Wish List Updated: Dahlia Tools You Never Knew you Needed
On Thursday, February 7th we gathered at the Wellesley Retirement Home for a tool demonstration given by Anne Roy with Lee Valley Tools. Anne did a great job of compiling an assortment of tools a dahlia gardener might use, even though she does not grow dahlias usually (hopefully we changed her mind?) What struck me…
VDS 68th Annual Show and Pacific Northwest Dahlia Conference 2014 Annual Show
Novice growers encouraged to submit their blooms! Entry is free to all (you don’t need to be a member!) Please come by to see some of our best growing efforts with these spectacular flowers!!
Starting Dahlias From Seed – March 2013 Meeting
This year, for fun, we are encouraging our members to grow dahlias from seed to see what flowers they might get. In September, we will have an informal flower show where members can show off their favourite blooms (judging will be by popular choice, ie what people like just by looking, and not by ADS…